Doing Business in the Czech Republic Doing Business in the Czech Republic is a guide prepared by Weinhold Legal to help you navigate your business through the fast changing legislative environment. This publication provides an overview of local legislation. For an electronic version of brochure please contact us at | |
Doing Business in Slovakia Doing Business in Slovakia is a guide prepared by Weinhold Legal to help you navigate your business through the fast changing legislative environment. This publication provides an overview of local legislation. For an electronic version of brochure please contact us at | |
Srovnání českého a slovenského zákoníku práce (2018) A unique comparison of institutes of Czech and Slovak labor law. Authors Mgr. Barbora Suchá, attorney-at-law of Weinhold Legal with a focus on Labor law. Mgr. Tomáš Čermák, attorney-at-law of Weinhold Legal with a focus on Labor law, M&A and Competition law.For more info visit here | |
Telecoms and Media brouchre 2017 and 2018 Weinhold Legal lawyers participated in preparation of 2017 and 218 edition of Getting The Deal Through website on Telecoms and Media legal regulation and developments in the Czech Republic.Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. Getting the Deal Through: Telecoms and Media 2018, (published in August 2018; contributing editors: Alexander Brown and Peter Broadhurst, Simmonds & Simmonds LLP) For further information please visit gettingthedealthrough.comFor full version visit here | |
Digest of Case Law on the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (2012) The Czech translation of the Digest was prepared under the supervision of Zbyšek Kordač, an attorney at Weinhold Legal, who also acts as an arbitrator of the Arbitration Court attached to Economic Chamber of the Czech Republic and the Agricultural Chamber of the Czech Republic. For more info visit here | |
Statute barring and time limitation in private law Daniel Weinhold is the author of the publication “Statute barring and time limitation in private law” (C.H. Beck 2015), which provides a very carefully elaborated guidance on application of those new provisions of private law that may cause difficulties in practice due to not always clear formulations or imprecise integration into the legal system. The publication also summarises applicable case law and legal literature and contributes significantly to better orientation of legal practitioners in the new concept of statute barring and time limitation. For more info visit here | |
Občanský zákoník III. svazek § 419-654 Věci a právní skutečnosti Daniel Weinhold is the co-author of a eighth-volume Large Commentary on the New Czech Civil Code published by Leges, Prague, 2014. You may obtain your copy from here | |
Zákonné opatření Senátu o dani z nabytí nemovitých věcí. Komentář Weinhold Legal lawyers participated in the preparation of a commentary to the Senate’s legal moves in respect of the taxation of real estate. You may obtain your copy from here | |
Age Discrimination Law in Europe Age Discrimination Law in Europe: This publication provides a country-by-country overview of anti-discrimination legislation and related jurisprudence. The report regarding Czech Republic, written by experienced Weinhold Legal employment lawyers, offers expert practical guidance and analysis regarding national law affecting access to employment and vocational training, information and consultation, working conditions, recruitment, dismissal, retirement, and other relevant factors. For more info visit here | |
Redundancy Law in Europe Redundancy Law in Europe: This publication provides an overview of the relevant legislation regarding redundancy schemes in Europe. The report regarding Czech Republic, written by experienced Weinhold Legal employment lawyers offers overview of relevant national legislation and case law regarding timing, information and consultation, risks, and costs, as well as practical legal guidance. For more info visit here | |
Promlčení a prekluze v obchodních závazkových vztazích, 3. vydání Daniel Weinhold regularly publishes and is quoted in local legal and economic magazines. He is the author of the third edition of the succesful publication Statute barring and time limitation in commercial legal relationships (C.H.Beck 2009), which apart of the developments in the legislation also covers the latest significant news in case law and legal literature. For more info visit here | |
Evropské právo a podnik An adapted Czech edition of the French title Le droit communautaire appliqué a l’entreprise. The originality of the work is manifested mainly in its second part, in which the company is cut into slices of its individual functions (business, personnel, production, research and development etc.) and then analyzed from the point of view of European law, international private law and to a lesser extent, Czech law. The central concept of books remains the enterprise. For more info visit here | |
Právní a daňové aspekty e-obchodu The Weinhold Legal and Ernst & Young team have written a book on the Legal and Tax Aspects of e-commerce that was published by Linde. The publication focuses in particular on the analysis of legal and tax issues related to new legal and economic phenomena that cross the classical spectrum of legal disciplines. For more info visit here. |